Our highly-specialized knowledge and know-how, together with our exclusive network in the field, ensure our clients get the most prestigious stringed-instruments, capable of bringing optimum financial returns. Worldwide, there are only a few experts knowledgeable enough to advise on such transactions, to check the state of instruments, and to certify authenticity and provenance with confidence. Finally, our international network of musicians, collectors, dealers, violin makers and other professionals and institutions allows us to find the most prestigious instruments off market – with all the advantages that brings.
Competitive Advantages Checklist
- Access to the finest stringed-instruments in the world off market with the highest possible ROI (return on investment),
- An unequalled network of clients, collectors, dealers, violin makers and other professionals and institutions,
- Use of the best experts in the field, able to check and define the state of preservation of the instruments, handle care and restoration, and confirm authenticity of provenance certificates, enabling recognized verification, certification and valuation of instruments,
- A strong legal team (Geneva and Paris) to provide clear and straightforward contracts,
- Relationships with the best insurance companies – the right cover for the right value,
- Track record at finding the ideal, deserving, renowned soloist to be beneficiary of the loan of the instrument,
- Able to administer and manage, as required, all aspects both of the transaction and of the relationship going forward,
- A company style where we keep the client continuously informed of their investment’s progress and about their instrument.
Competitive Advantages
Our highly-specialized knowledge and know-how, together with our exclusive network in the field, ensure our clients get the most prestigious stringed-instruments, capable of bringing optimum financial returns. Worldwide, there are only a few experts knowledgeable enough to advise on such transactions, to check the state of instruments, and to certify authenticity and provenance with confidence. Finally, our international network of musicians, collectors, dealers, violin makers and other professionals and institutions allows us to find the most prestigious instruments off market – with all the advantages that brings.
Competitive Advantages Checklist
- Access to the finest stringed-instruments in the world off market with the highest possible ROI (return on investment),
- An unequalled network of clients, collectors, dealers, violin makers and other professionals and institutions,
- Use of the best experts in the field, able to check and define the state of preservation of the instruments, handle care and restoration, and confirm authenticity of provenance certificates, enabling recognized verification, certification and valuation of instruments,
- A strong legal team (Geneva and Paris) to provide clear and straightforward contracts,
- Relationships with the best insurance companies – the right cover for the right value,
- Track record at finding the ideal, deserving, renowned soloist to be beneficiary of the loan of the instrument,
- Able to administer and manage, as required, all aspects both of the transaction and of the relationship going forward,
- A company style where we keep the client continuously informed of their investment’s progress and about their instrument.